Python audio loopback
Python audio loopback

python audio loopback

PulseAudio is not the only audio API on Linux. To avoid confusion with the macOS API of the same name, I will always to refer to it as WASAPI. : WASAPI is part of the Windows Core Audio APIs. All available sound cards should be listable and selectable, with correct detection of the system default sound cards (a feature that is very unreliable in PortAudio). For reference, the singular use case in PythonAudio is block-wise playing/recording of float data at arbitrary sampling rates and block sizes.


This series of blog posts summarizes my experiences with these three APIs and outlines the basic structure of how to use them. This effort resulted in PythonAudio, a new pure-Python package that uses CFFI to talk to PulseAudio on Linux, Core Audio on macOS, and WASAPI on Windows. Instead of relying on PortAudio, I would have to use the native audio APIs of the three major platforms directly, and implement a simple, cross-platform, high-level, NumPy-aware Python API myself.

python audio loopback

However, I then realized that PortAudio itself had some inherent problems that a wrapper would not be able to solve, and a truly great solution would need to do it the hard way: Thus, I set out to write PySoundCard, which is a higher-level wrapper for PortAudio that tries to be more pythonic and uses NumPy arrays instead of untyped bytes buffers for audio data. However, I soon realized that PyAudio mirrors PortAudio a bit too closely for comfort.

python audio loopback

My first step to improve this situation was a small contribution to PyAudio, a CPython extension that exposes the C library PortAudio to Python. It has long been a major frustration for my work that Python does not have a great package for playing and recording audio. This second part is about PulseAudio on Linux. This is part two of a three-part series on the native audio APIs for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Python audio loopback